Make Disciples.

The Harvest is Plentiful

The Harvest Church is a community of believers in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Come join us for worship Sunday mornings at 10am.

Our mission is to magnify the name of God and His Son, Jesus Christ (Ps34:3). Jesus is the only way to The Father (Jn14:6), if you have the Son of God, you have life (1Jn5:11-12) and life abundantly (Jn10:10). We want to show the same love and compassion that the LORD has shown us (Rom5:8), in deed and in truth (1Jn3:18), to all the people of Rehoboth Beach and the surrounding area. 

If you're interested in coming alongside us as we build God's church you can request more information by sending a note to We would love to hear from you and how God is stirring your heart.