The Laborers Are Few

The Harvest Church is made up of men, women, and children who love the LORD and possess a deep desire to share that passion and love with all those around them. We can not lead a victorious Christian life in isolation. We were made for community and we edify and encourage one another, building each other up for good works. We do this by worshiping together, and preaching and studying the Bible, verse by verse, in order to be equipped for living out our faith in tangible ways (2Tm 3:16-17).

In addition to our Sunday morning service, we meet on a weekly basis for bible study, prayer, and fellowship. If you'd like to get connected or to learn more please reach out to

Glorify the LORD

Our mission is to magnify the name of God and His Son, Jesus Christ (Ps34:3). Jesus is the only way to The Father (Jn14:6), if you have the Son of God, you have life (1Jn5:11-12) and life abundantly (Jn10:10)

We want to show the same love and compassion that the LORD has shown us (Rom5:8), in deed and in truth (1Jn3:18), to all the people of Rehoboth Beach and the surrounding area.