What We Believe

  • We believe that the words of the Bible, the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, are “God-breathed.” They give humankind His authoritative revelation, wholly without error of any kind on every topic discussed in the original writings. We believe that the Bible must be interpreted as language is normally used, recognizing the importance of dispensational distinctions.

    (Psalm 12:6; 119:89, 130; 160; Isaiah 40:8; 55:8-11; Luke 24:27, 44-47; John 5:39, 17:17; Romans 15:4; 1 Corinthians 2:9-10, 13; Ephesians 1:10; 3:9; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; James 1:21; 1 Peter 1:10-12, 23-25; 2 Peter 1:19-21).

  • We believe in one God eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each of whom possesses equally all the attributes of deity and characteristics of personality and with each having specific work to perform. We believe that God is a personal being who is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.

    (Matthew 3:16; John 10:30; 14:10; 14:26; 15:26; Ephesians 1:3-4; 6-7; 13-14)

  • We believe that God the Son, Jesus Christ, became flesh through His miraculous conception in a virgin by the Holy Spirit and His birth. He is, therefore, perfect and complete deity and perfect humanity, these being united without mixture in one person forever. We believe that He lived a sinless life and voluntarily and vicariously paid for the sins of all mankind by dying on the cross. We believe in the resurrection of His crucified body, in His ascension to heaven, in His present ministries in heaven, and in his future literal return to the earth.

    (Psalm 2:7; 110; Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; Micah 5:2; Matthew 1:18-25; 28:19; Luke 1:26-35; 2:52; John 1:1-3, 14, 18; 3:16; 8:58; 10:30; 17:5; 20:28; 1 Corinthians 15:1-20; Galatians 4:4; Philippians 2:5-8; Colossians 1:14, 15-17; 2:9; 1 Timothy 2:5; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 1:1-3, 6, 8-12; 4:15; 13:8; 1 Peter 1:1; 2:22; 1 John 2:1-2; 3:16; 4:10, 5:20; Revelation 1:17-18; 19-20)

  • We believe that the Holy Spirit is God and that He has come to reveal and glorify Christ, to convict sinners of sin, righteousness, and judgment, to regenerate, indwell, seal, and baptize believers into the body of Christ, impart gifts to believers, and to enable them to live holy lives.

    (Genesis 1:2; Psalm 139:7; Isaiah 40:13-14; Matthew 1:18- 20; 28:19; Luke 1:35; John 1:13; 3:3-8; 6:63; 14:16-17, 26; 15:26; 16:7-15, 13; Acts 2:1-4; 5:3-4; Romans 8:9; 1 Corinthians 2:9,10, 12; 6:19; 12:13; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Ephesians 1:13-14; 2:22; 4:30; 5:18; 2 Thessalonians 2:7; 2 Timothy 3:16- 17; Titus 3:5; Hebrews 9:14; 2 Peter 1:20-21; 1 John 2:20, 27)

  • We believe that the Genesis account of creation is to be understood historically and literally and not allegorically or figuratively. We believe that man was created in the image of God and that the first man, Adam, sinned, bringing spiritual death to all, who, therefore, stand condemned and in need of Christ’s salvation.

    (Genesis 1; Romans 1:20; Colossians 1:15-20; Romans 5:12; Romans 7)

  • We believe that God saves by grace alone, apart from works (whether past or future), those who put their faith in Christ alone as God and Savior from sin. Initial faith resulting in justification and regeneration is not a gift of God. That is, fallen humanity when persuaded by the illuminating and convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit and the drawing ministry of the Father still possesses the capacity to believe in Christ. Such faith precedes regeneration. At the moment of belief, Christ imputes His righteousness to believers and keeps them secure eternally. Based on the promises of God (not works), we believe a person can and should have complete assurance of his or her Eternal Life the moment he or she believes in Christ.

    (Isaiah 55:8- 11; Matthew 4:4; 26:28; John 1:4, 9, 12; 3:5, 16, 18, 36; 5:24; 6:29; 14:6; 16:8; 17:17; Acts 4:12; 13:38-39; 16:31; Romans 1:7, 16-17; 3:22, 26; 4:4-5; 5:1, 6-9; 6:11-13, 23; 8:2-4, 9, 12-13, 29-30, 32; 10:4, 17; 1 Corinthians 1:2, 8; 6:11; 12:13; 15:1-4; 2 Corinthians 3:18; 5:21; 7:1; Galatians 2:16; 5:13-26; 6:15; Ephesians 1:3, 7; 2:8-9; 4:22-24; Philippians 3:4-9; Colossians 1:22; 2:6, 10; 3:1- 7, 16; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 4:3-4; 5:23; Titus 3:5-7; Hebrews 4:12, 10:10, 14; 12:14; James 1:18; 1 Peter 1:18-19, 23; 2:2, 11; 1 John 1:5- 7; 3:2, 5-9; 5:13; Jude 24)

  • We believe that the church, the body of Christ, began on the day of Pentecost and is composed of all who receive Christ through faith. We believe God’s program for the Church is distinguished from His program for Israel described in Daniel 9. We believe that all believers should assemble regularly in local churches for worship, for observing the ordinances of water baptism and the Lord’s Supper, for mutual encouragement and discipline, and for carrying out God’s purposes in this world.

    (Acts 2:41-42; 10:44-47; 11:15-17; Romans 6:4-5; 12:3-8; 16:1, 5; 1 Corinthians 11:23-31; 12:12-13, 27; 16:19; Galatians 3:27-28; 6:2; Ephesians 1:22-23; 2:16-22; 5:24-25, 30; Philippians 1:1; Colossians 1:18; 1 Thessalonians 1:1; 5:11; Hebrews 10:24-25)

    We believe that although sinless perfection is not possible in this life, all believers are called to live holy lives in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

    (John 17:17; Romans 8:1-17; Galatians 5:13-25; Ephesians 5:26-27; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4; Hebrews 10:10, 14; 1 John 3:2)

  • We believe that all matters of faith and conduct must be evaluated on the basis of Holy Scripture, which is our infallible guide. (2 Timothy 3:16–17) Since the Holy Bible does speak to the nature of human beings and their sexuality, it is imperative that we correctly understand and articulate what the Bible teaches on these matters.

    We are committed to the home and family as set forth in Holy Scripture. We believe God has ordained and created marriage to exist between one man and one woman, with absolute marital fidelity. The Bible sets forth specific home and family values, which include the distinct roles of husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, and children. It is our firm conviction that we uphold the dignity of each individual as we embrace the unchanging and longstanding principles of scriptural truth.

    Based on Holy Scripture and the constant moral teaching of the universal Church, we believe:

    1. Marriage
    We define marriage as the legal, permanent, exclusive, comprehensive, and conjugal “one flesh” union of one man and one woman, intrinsically ordered to procreation and biological family, and in furtherance of the moral, spiritual, and public good of binding father, mother, and child. 

    (Genesis 1:27-28, Genesis 2:18-24, Matthew 19:4-9, Mark 10:5- 9, Ephesians 5:31-33)

    2. Sexual Immorality
    We believe that sexual acts outside marriage are prohibited as sinful. Consequently, believers must resist and refrain from any and all sexual acts outside marriage — including but not limited to adultery, fornication, incest, zoophilia, pornography, prostitution, voyeurism, pedophilia, exhibitionism, sodomy, polygamy, polyamory, sologamy, or same-sex sexual acts.


    (Exodus 20:14, Leviticus 18:7-23, Leviticus 20:10-21, Deuteronomy 5:18, Matthew 15:19, Matthew 5:27-28, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3, Hebrews 13:4, Galatians 5:19, Ephesians 4:17-19, Colossians 3:5)

    3. Sexual Identity
    We believe that God created mankind in His image: male (man) and female (woman), sexually different but with equal personal dignity. Consequently, we must affirm our biological sex and refrain from any and all attempts to physically change, alter, or disagree with their predominant biological sex — including but not limited to elective sex-reassignment, transvestite, transgender, or non-binary “genderqueer” acts or conduct.

    (Genesis 1:26-28, Romans 1:26-32, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

    4. Sexual Orientation
    We believe that God created and ordered human sexuality to the permanent, exclusive, comprehensive, and conjugal “one flesh” union of man and woman, intrinsically ordered to procreation and biological family, and in furtherance of the moral, spiritual, and public good of binding father, mother, and child. Consequently, we affirm the sexual complementarity of man and woman and believers must resist any and all same-sex sexual attractions and refrain from any and all same-sex sexual acts or conduct, which are intrinsically disordered.

    (Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:4-6, Mark 10:5-9, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9- 11, Ephesians 5:25-27, Revelation 19:7-9, Revelation 21:2)

    5. Sexual Redemption
    We believe that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and should seek redemption and harmonious relationship with God through confession, repentance, baptism, and faith in Jesus Christ. Consequently, we must welcome and treat with respect, compassion, and sensitivity all who experience same-sex attractions or confess sexually immoral acts but are committed to resisting sexual temptation, refraining from sexual immorality, and conforming their behavior to our Statement of Faith.

    (Matthew 11:28-30, Romans 3:23, Ephesians 2:1-10, I Corinthians 10:13, Hebrews 2:17-18, Hebrews 4:14-16)

    6. Celibacy
    We believe that Holy Scripture grants two life-enhancing options for human sexual behavior: (1) the conjugal “one flesh” marital union of one man and one woman, and (2) celibacy. Either is a gift from God, given as He wills for His glory and the good of those who receive and rejoice in His gift to them. Celibacy and faithful singleness is to be celebrated and affirmed within the Church.

    (Genesis 1:27-28; 2:18, 21-24; Matthew 19:4-6; Mark 10:5-8; Hebrews 13:4; 1 Corinthians 7:1- 8; Matthew 19:12; 1 Corinthians 12:12-13; Romans 12:10; 1 Timothy 5:1-2)